‘Penma,’ the Women Development Cell (WDC), is one of the core bodies that started functioning at the beginning of Al Shifa College of Arts and Science. Its mission is to frame policies and actions that will uphold the three pillars of women empowerment: Truth, Justice, and Equity.

‘Penma’ is a term coined by combining two words in Malayalam. ‘Pen-‘ is the adjective prefix denoting female/feminine, and ‘-nma’ is a suffix implying ‘certainty’ as in the Malayalam word ‘unma,’ which means ‘being certain, real.’ Thus, ‘Penma’ denotes the certainty of being women, the power of being women, and it also implies a call to act and live with that inherent feeling of powerful certitude.

‘Penma’ aims to introduce activities, initiate attitudes, and protect aptitudes that lead to equitable treatment of genders, not only on campus but also at home and in communities.

The WDC of the College, ‘Penma,’ involves and intervenes to integrate women empowerment policies and programs primarily to encourage the well-being of female students, teaching and non-teaching women staff of the college. It also undertakes awareness programs on gender sensitization, women’s rights, and women empowerment. These interventions throughout will help women achieve excellence in their fields and self-respect in their lives. Ultimately, it will lead to socio-economic reformation in societies, with women turning from dream-chasers to dream-makers.


To help achieve an egalitarian society in which women are accepted for who they are and respected for their capabilities.


Aims and Objectives:

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