Report on a short lecture on ‘Outcome Based Teaching: Planning and Practice’ for professional development for faculty, held on 23 September ’21 at 2.15 pm at the college Seminar Hall, organised by the Faculty Development Centre, Al Shifa College of Arts and Science.

Faculty Development Centre, Al Shifa College of Arts and Science, organized a short lecture on ‘Outcome Based Teaching: Planning and Practice’ for professional development for faculty members on 23 September ’21. The resource person was, Ms. M. K. Vineetha, Assistant Professor of English, KAHM Unity Women’s College, Manjeri, an experienced hand in the field of Language teaching and training. She opened the presentation with an ice breaking session asking the participants to define the title. Inviting comments from all, she took the participants to Programme Outcome, Programme Specific Outcome and Course Outcome. Rather than explaining the terms, she asked each of them to reflect upon what they taught that day in the classroom and how the sessions ended. This made the faculty members to evaluate if their way of teaching was outcome based or not. Ms. Vineetha reminded the audience that the learners were ahead of them in terms of technology and hence it’s the creative approach to teaching and breaking the usual teaching patterns that were suggestive methods to make the teaching an outcome based one. She left the session an open ended one, letting the faculty members to have their own solutions to transform the sessions into result oriented and outcome based one. The session began at 2.15 pm with a welcome note by Ms. Saritha. K, Coordinator, Faculty Development Centre, and Head, Dept. of English and concluded at with a vote of thanks by Mr. Rohith Ravi, IQAC Coordinator, and Head, Dept. of Commerce.

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