Corresponding to the penetration of digital technology and Artificial Intelligence into our everyday lives, there is justifiably increasing use of the same in the teaching learning process. As technological tools enable engaging and enjoyable learning experince for the young, this becomes necessary too. Moreover judicious use of the digital tools can help free time for the teacher and provide her more space for providing personalised attention to the students. The Covid 19 pandemic has furthered the digital cause with its social distancing norms and lockdowns.
Al Shifa College of Arts & Science has a robust online teaching ecosystem with a Learning Management System (LMS) that not only supplements but is capable of fully delivering the teaching payload, wherever necessary, with excellent results. The iCampus software we offer with personalised login for all students and teachers is feature rich to manage the online teaching-learning needs of the student-teaching community.
In addition the College also has access to Google Class Room on the G Suite for education. Each student is assigned a gmail id with which the access to the facilities will be ensured. The College has also set up facilities for e-content development to create content customised to meet the student needs. The facility is used to video/audio record sessions of the faculty which will be made available to the students and community laround. The facility will also provide opportunity for students to develop and deliver peer teaching sessions, as directed in the new National Education Policy (NEP).